Monday, November 17, 2008

summer in november- a beachy afternoon

We finally hit summer weather here and it's November. I am not convinced it will last long but I am soaking up the Vitamin D while I can. This weekend started week 32 and I was lucky to have an afternoon with Sandy and Leah in Pacifica. The beach was packed with families & joggers making the most of a California day. It felt good to dip my toes in the water.
Sandy brought her camera and her talent to the afternoon and took some really fun shots. I really appreciate her making the drive and spending her day photographing me. Leah, too, was a great set director. I've posted a couple of the photos (above) for you to check out. So many thanks, Sandy!

32 weeks and feeling pretty good. The house is coming along in terms of our organization and moving stuff around (Josh has been such a great project manager/heavy lifter!) and other than the common back aches and sleeping challenges, I am feeling pretty good....tippy with the belly out in front but good. Peanut we are really getting ready for you.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the shelves

So, most of you have heard me talking (debating) about the shelves in the soon-to-be baby's room. Well, you'll be happy to know a decision was finally made and they are gone. Josh really went to town on the whole wall and tore those suckers down AND not only did he get em all down- but the wall and ceiling are still in tact! We will have some wiring work to do and then patching and painting but it feels so good to have the old bookshelf juju outta there! The room feels bigger and better already- even with all the wood in the middle of the floor! Good job JD.
My favorite quote from the project- Josh: "Who says Jews aren't handy?"

News from the belly: seems we have a night owl on our hands. Josh and I are definitely not morning people and it seems our offspring wont be either. I, admittedly, try and get the little Peanut to move around in the morning. You know....I just want to say hello/good morning. I usually feel a little courtesy tap while on my commute and then during the day I get some movement. I am usually moving around so much that I don't have a chance to really feel all the squirming around. Night time, though- little Peanut really enjoys dinner & me chilling on the couch and for sure, when I get into bed....its play time in there.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

thanks to the OC shower crew!

This past weekend, Josh and I headed for some time in the OC. It's always nice to stay at my Mom & Dads place- comfy, cozy & homey, for sure! The OC ladies threw a wonderful shower for me- good food, good people and lots of amazing gifts as well. I am very appreciative of everyone's love and support! Thanks hostesses!

Between the shower, dinner that night and then brunch the next day with family and a stop at Grandma's on the way home- it was a full weekend. I am certainly feeling full of love and excitement but also ready to stay put till the little bambino comes. 30 weeks of pregnancy can do that to ya, I guess!