Our dear friends Sarah & little lady Parker Olivia were visiting from Seattle and she took these pics (She and her photography are amazing!) Oh how I wished they lived next door...miss you guys!
Precious moments with Parker and Maya Here is a family shot I took the other day while the three of us were watching airplanes by the Bay
Lately, Maya is practicing pointing at things, saying "uh oh," signing 'milk' and 'more,' cruising, and saying "Da Da" when she sees Josh or even a picture of him. She LOVES playing with the paper recycling under the desk, watching birds and airplanes, she's a super happy girl on the swings , and it's amazing to see her understanding more and more every day. We're having so much fun!
The little ones were looking out the window at Elise's 1st bday party and really excited about the dogs. Maya is on the far left
We had a busy & great weekend with family and friends. I am bummed that we didnt get any photos at the big, fun Thanksgiving meal but below are some from the weekend:
Maya and Daddy:
Maya with Oma and Gramps at their new condo:
Yonina and her family were visiting from Boston and we got to sneak in a visit in SF. Here is Maya with Yo and her son Ben:
We also saw the Cohen clan. Here are the Cohen ladies with Maya Rose:
Maya is now having a good time crawling on all fours. She alternates between her army-crawl and being up on her hands and knees (she seems to do the slithery army crawl when going further distances). She is standing really well and starting to take supported steps (cruising)- which is just so fun. Here are a couple pics from this last week.
She is really into my sunglasses and has a giggle when I put them on her:
Our little Peanut is really into the guitar. Eric was over and they had fun playing together:
Maya and her pal Elise. Maya is handing me the ball- she loves handing things back and forth and she loved loved loved being in this pile of balls!
It's getting more challenging to capture pictures with her and the signs that show her age. She really is reaching for them & loves eating/crinkling up the paper. Maya has always been an active one but now she is really into everything. I thought she was before- but we've entered into a new phase, for sure. While she isnt "cruising" quite yet- it's right around the corner!
Here is a shot of Maya and Romi (we were visiting Oma & Gramp's new place here in the Bay!)
This little closed-mouth smile just gets me every time
Some morning Maya giggles & the Maya Wave.....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We're having so much fun and keeping busy. Maya seems to be doing new things every day now. Her newest thing this week is getting herself to a sitting position from her army-crawl and pulling herself up- a lot. She is really into practicing standing! Here are some recent photos and a couple videos....
Maya with her friends Emily and Ethan- they play together a couple times a week
Here is Maya in music class with a little egg shaker listing to Teacher Nathan sing and play guitar
Here is a little snipit of music class
Maya was playing this little game with me for quite a while the other morning-
We've had a busy couple weeks! Maya and I went to visit Sarah and her family in Jenner, CA (she was visiting from Seattle) & then we headed to Orange County for a stay with Oma and Gramps. We had a really good time and Maya, once again, proved to be a pretty good travel partner (she even toughed-it-out at the airport for many hours while we waited for our delayed flight.) We can hardly believe she is 9 months (I know, I know- I say that every month!) and she is just getting more and more fun. She is making all sorts of fun new noises and is now into climbing onto things and is working hard at pulling herself up.
Here we are in Jenner with Sarah & her daughter Parker and Karen & her new little addition, Brooke who also came up for a visit.
Here is Maya with Gramps and Oma
And here is a picture that Sarah took while we were in Jenner
Big love and hugs to our amazing little Niece, Romi, on her 1st birthday. Of course, a major shout-out to Matt & Heather, too, for a big big year #1. Way to go you two! Great job. We love you. High-fives and lots of smooches to Roms. XOX
Here are a couple photos of Maya from this past week- playing at the house and with her cousin at her Bday party.
Maya has decided that she has a new smile. Honestly, every day it makes me giggle. I feel like the picture doesn't do it full justice- but it's the best I could capture so far. She flashes it at any time and sometimes in the most unexpected moments (while nursing, for example.) The wrinkled nose and big smile- makes me feel like she is showing off her little teeth. She's also giving us high-fives on a regular basis, is into waving and is up on her hands and knees- frequently seen rocking back and forth. Hello baby-proofing!
8 Months...and Maya is doing great! She is practicing waving, has her two bottom teeth (and is working on the top ones = ouch), is scooting/crawling everywhere (and quickly) & is really enjoying playing with other babies. Yesterday, at our weekly Mommy/baby group, the kids were especially adorable and it was fun to see Maya rolling around, crawling and playing with all the other babes. She was interested in all the dogs that walked by (that is new) and was especially good at "sharing" toys (read: letting kids take hers and taking theirs from them, too.) We are expanding the variety of things she is eating (trying dairy etc) and she is working really hard at grabbing food & putting it in her mouth on her own (those little pieces can be tricky!) Here is Maya with her Uncle Gabe and another recent picture at the park-
Josh and Maya also had a fun adventure last weekend to Angel Island (I had some much needed & appreciated time to myself.) They had a great time together and hanging with Matt, Heather and Romi. Maya loved her 1st ferry ride!
The calendar always seems to be pretty full. This month we will have another visit from Oma and Gramps, it will be Romi's 1st birthday (unbelievable!) ,we will start a music class & we are hoping to see Sarah and little Parker again in Jenner. More on all of that soon.....
Maya has been on two round trip flights and they have both been to Seattle. We love it there but more than Seattle itself, we love the Heitman family. Maya and I went to visit Sarah and her amazing daughter Parker last week. We had a really nice time and a very smooth and easy trip (serious thanks to Sarah- she makes it easy to visit and the fact that they have all the needed baby items made my traveling super light.) The girls were interested in one another and very sweet together and Sarah and I even got a couple nights out on our own, which was great! Above are a few shots from the visit; the girls in the double trailer, bath time and Parker showing us what a good gymnast she is!
Another shout out goes to our friends Karen and Bryan who just had little Brooke Ashlyn on Aug 10th. We're super happy for them and are excited to add little Brooke to the group! Much love to you guys. XO
Along with new games like "catch," Maya is working on clapping, signing 'more' and is honing her traveling skills- we just returned from Seattle! More on that soon.....
We just had a really nice visit this week with my parents. It's always so nice to see them and it's so good for Maya to have sweet time with them, too. Thanks for the fun visit, Oma and Gramps!
Maya is babbling tons, giggling lots, so so curious about everything, eating so well and is even into sipping through a straw. She loves reading stories with us (and turning the pages herself) and she is moving all the time. Seriously- she does not sit still and is working hard at getting around on the ground (no crawling yet but lots of rolling and scooting.) In general, she is doing a good job with sleeping (so proud of her sleep turn-around) and I'm excited for the two of us to head to Seattle next week to visit Sarah and Parker (happy 1st bday!)
*For some reason, I'm unable to format the page here so that I can add pictures in the middle of my posts....so, for now, you just see a bunch at the top of the page. I'm working on it. Till I get it though (anyone have some advice?)- pics at the top of the page; Maya & Romi, fun with Oma & Gramps, Maya with pals Ethan and Elise (in strollers) and hanging on the couch with little friends last weekend.....
While its been colder, windy and foggy at our house this past week, it's been hot around the Bay and we've been getting out for sunshine. We've been walking more and hitting the park-scene, for sure. We also went to the pool at Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Richards house last weekend.
It took Maya a little bit to get used to the water but after she got comfortable, she loved floating around with her family all around her. Leah, Joe, Grandma, Grandpa and of course Josh and I were there for the inaugural swim. So much fun....