Maya has some new talents; She likes to eat her little feet, she took her pacifier out of her mouth, held it and then put it BACK in her mouth on her own and....yesterday, for the first time, she rolled from her back to her tummy. Once she did it, she was into it all day. Check out the video!
We can hardly believe our little Miss Maya is 4 months old! She loves sucking on her hands/fingers (or our hands will do if need be), she digs standing on her feet (of course while we are holding her), she has awesome head control (hooray for good tummy time) and she has found her feet. It's the cutest thing to see her chillin in "happy baby" pose. This morning I put her on her tummy and she scooted herself, propelled by her legs, around in a semi circle and found herself facing 180 degrees the other direction. Hello Miss Mover!
I thought we were cruising with some good sleep but of course, right when we think we have it made- it changes. One thing is for sure.....things will always change. She, unfortunately, had to get her shots with her 4 month old check up this week so we are just holding and loving our little girl as she has been a bit cranky from the shots (I would be too!). Last night she was up every two hours and I was reminded of the newborn days that oddly seem long ago yet I can remember them like it was yesterday. Its hard to catch her with her hands holding her feet since when she is doing it, she seems to be in motion. But here are a couple recent pics....