Maya is now having a good time crawling on all fours. She alternates between her army-crawl and being up on her hands and knees (she seems to do the slithery army crawl when going further distances). She is standing really well and starting to take supported steps (cruising)- which is just so fun. Here are a couple pics from this last week.
She is really into my sunglasses and has a giggle when I put them on her:
Our little Peanut is really into the guitar. Eric was over and they had fun playing together:
Maya and her pal Elise. Maya is handing me the ball- she loves handing things back and forth and she loved loved loved being in this pile of balls!
It's getting more challenging to capture pictures with her and the signs that show her age. She really is reaching for them & loves eating/crinkling up the paper. Maya has always been an active one but now she is really into everything. I thought she was before- but we've entered into a new phase, for sure. While she isnt "cruising" quite yet- it's right around the corner!
Here is a shot of Maya and Romi (we were visiting Oma & Gramp's new place here in the Bay!)