Our dear friends Sarah & little lady Parker Olivia were visiting from Seattle and she took these pics (She and her photography are amazing!) Oh how I wished they lived next door...miss you guys!
Precious moments with Parker and Maya Here is a family shot I took the other day while the three of us were watching airplanes by the Bay
Lately, Maya is practicing pointing at things, saying "uh oh," signing 'milk' and 'more,' cruising, and saying "Da Da" when she sees Josh or even a picture of him. She LOVES playing with the paper recycling under the desk, watching birds and airplanes, she's a super happy girl on the swings , and it's amazing to see her understanding more and more every day. We're having so much fun!
The little ones were looking out the window at Elise's 1st bday party and really excited about the dogs. Maya is on the far left
We had a busy & great weekend with family and friends. I am bummed that we didnt get any photos at the big, fun Thanksgiving meal but below are some from the weekend:
Maya and Daddy:
Maya with Oma and Gramps at their new condo:
Yonina and her family were visiting from Boston and we got to sneak in a visit in SF. Here is Maya with Yo and her son Ben:
We also saw the Cohen clan. Here are the Cohen ladies with Maya Rose: