We are now members of the PJCC...the Peninsula Jewish Community Center which is commonly referred to as "The J." Not only are we members- I now work there (What? I know, crazy- it all happened so fast). It's a huge adjustment for us all but we are hanin' in and trying to take the changes day by day. There are plenty of details about becoming a working Mom that don't need to be shared on our blog but I will share some of the good points about The J job: I get home by 2 and have the afternoons with Maya, in the summer- there is a great kid pool that I am excited to use with her, Josh and I get to use the gym and when it's time- I can take Maya with me and she can go to preschool there (Im sure that is going to sneak up on us and be here before we know it.) It's almost the end of February (I can hardly believe it!) Here are some of the happenings with little M:
Signing- She is signing all the time and constantly looking for new signs, too. She is learning them pretty quickly and it's amazing to see her communicating so much and so well! I counted the other day and she is now using 17 sings regularly....including her newest one she is mastering "I love you."
Maya is saying a few words including Dada, Dooooogggee, Uh-oh, and baby (sounding like Bebe)
She is really into practicing eating with the spoon- she likes putting the food on it and trying to get it to her mouth. This makes for fun,creative and messy meals, for sure.
She is walking a lot now. She still crawls but is walking longer distances and more frequently every day.
She is a playground junkie. She LOVES going to the park and now is no longer happy sitting in the swing. Our little daredevil is all over the structures and likes going down the slide (and likes going down w/out our help, of course.)
With my return to working, Maya has a lot more time with Josh-which is just amazing (he is with her in the mornings and most days until we find a day care which will work for us a couple days a week.) They are having so much fun together. She is constantly asking for him when he isnt here.
Here is a picture of Maya on Valentine's day. Josh got her that big fuzzy white bear that she loves-
When Maya saw me taking the picture- she leaned her face into mine and smiled. I love that little look on her face
and some walking...(sheesh, sorry my voice is so loud!)