Thanksgiving weekend was a full one- full of thanks, full of family and friends and full of some serious eating. From the Thursday feast to meeting up with Matt and fam on Friday to Tom and Tracy's place Friday and Sat- our hearts are full of thanks and our belly's were full of food. (Glad to have all pies and cookies out of site! ) Maya had a blast with all the activity and could be seen doing the "pokey pokey" & "posie" (ring around the rosie) with just about everyone.
Hanukkah is starting up this week, next week I have some fun plans with girlfriends, Josh goes to Portland soon and then we're talking almost NYE- where is the time going?
I started out the month with a bang. I had 4 full days with some girlfriends (go Jessapalooza!) and then came home to 2 nights out with friends to see a couple shows (that's right- I rocked the Usher concert in Oakland.) Maya had lots of fun with Grandparents and of course fun time with Josh. We are looking forward to a full Thanksgiving weekend with family this next week. Here are some recent photos and a video of little Munchkin:
Here are the ladies of the Jessapalooza weekend:
Goofing off at home:
Maya has some really cute friends she sees at the park all the time (Jenny, Gianna and Deklan, who she talks about often.) Here they are with teacher Maureen doing the Hokey Pokey (or as Maya says "Pokey Pokey")
Halloween came and went and you would never have known it at our house. Between the costumes and scary houses and being 21 months- it wasnt a big hit this year. Fine with me- I know we have plenty of Halloween celebrations to come. This is about as close as we got to it:
Here is Maya cheering along with everyone for game 5 of the World Series:
I am heading out for a long girls weekend (4 full days!)- Looking forward to the girl time. Big thanks for all the help everyone. Big love.